The gift registry feature allows customers to add items to a shareable cart - which they can provide links to - so that friends can purchase exactly what the customer wants.
Enabling the Gift Registry
To enable the gift registry, set the ShowGiftRegistryButtons AppConfig to true. You may also want to adjust the following AppConfigs:
AppConfig Name | Description |
AllowGiftRegistryQuantities | If this is set to true, customers can add the same product to their registry multiple times. If false, they can only have each item once. |
DecrementGiftRegistryOnOrder | If this is set to true, when a customer adds an item from someone's registry to their cart and purchases it, the original item is removed from the registree's cart. |
NOTE: Enabling this feature will also enable AllowMultipleShippingAddressPerOrder by default
Registry Use
Once the feature is enabled, product detail pages will have an "Add to Gift Registry" button to go with the standard "Add to Cart" and "Add to Wishlist" options.

After adding products to the registry, customers are taken to the following page, where they can view their registry contents and see a link that can be emailed to friends to access their registry.
Searching the Registry
As shown above, registree's can send friends links that will take them directly to the products in their registry. If that link is not available, customers can search for friends on the
giftregistrysearch.aspx page:

Note that the registree's gift registry settings (which they'll be able to set on the first visit to the registry) determine how this search returns results:
Setting Name | Usage |
I want my Gift Registry to be anonymous | If this is set to 'Yes' then customers cannot search for registrees by real name, they must search by nickname - set below. |
If anonymous, I want to use this nickname for my gift registry | This is the nickname the customer will provide to search for if they need to remain anonymous. |
I do NOT want other customers to be able to see my shipping address | If this is set to 'Yes' then even when purchasing a gift for a registree, the purchaser will not see the shipping address. |
I want other customers to be able to search for my gift registry | If this is set to 'No' then the customer's registry cannot be found through the search tool (by name or nickname), it can only be accessed by the link. |