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Skin Tokens

Skin tokens are text that you place in the template.ascx file for your skin to add certain information to your site. The tokens are parsed by the software and replaced with the correct information each time a page is invoked. Below is a list of skin tokens and a description of what they do, with screenshots. Note: This list is current as of version Some tokens listed here may not be found in earlier versions.

(!STORE_VERSION!) - Gets the store version

(!COPYRIGHTYEARS!) - Displays "xxxx - yyyy" where xxxx is the year in the "StartingCopyrightYear" AppConfig and yyyy is the current year

(!VBV!) - Displays the verified by visa logo if the CardinalCommerce.Centinel.Enabled AppConfig is set to "true"

(!SKINID!) - Returns the current skin ID

(!SITENAME!) - Displays the value in the appconfig "StoreName"

(!SITE_NAME!) - Displays the value in the appconfig "StoreName"

(!STORELOCALE!) - Returns the locale that is set for the store in the web.config file

(!LOCALESETTING!) - Returns the current locale of the customer viewing the page

(!CUSTOMERLOCALE!) - Returns the current locale of the customer viewing the page

(!SEARCH_BOX!) Renders a search box and button to the page…clicking the button links to search.aspx

(!GALLERY_BOX!) - Renders a styled table of the galleries available to the page

(!MANUFACTURER_BOX!) Renders a styled table of the manufacturers to the page

(!HELPBOX!) Renders a styled table containing the help topic to the page

(!HELPBOX_CONTENTS!) - Renders only the contents of the help topic to the page

(!NEWS_SUMMARY!) - Displays a list of current news summaries to the page

(!CATEGORY_PROMPT!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.CategoryPromptPlural" if available, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!CATEGORY_PROMPT_SINGULAR!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.CategoryPromptSingular" if availalble, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!CATEGORY_PROMPT_PLURAL!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.CategoryPromptPlural" if availalble, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!SECTION_PROMPT!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.SectionPromptPlural" if availalble, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!SECTION_PROMPT_SINGULAR!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.SectionPromptSingular" if availalble, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!SECTION_PROMPT_PLURAL!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.SectionPromptPlural" if available, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!MANUFACTURER_PROMPT!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.ManufacturerPromptPlural" if availalble, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!MANUFACTURER_PROMPT_SINGULAR!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.ManufacturerPromptSingular" if availalble, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!MANUFACTURER_PROMPT_PLURAL!) - Displays appconfig "AppConfig.ManufacturerPromptPlural" if availalble, and if not available then it displays the string skinbase.cs.3 string resource

(!CATEGORY_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the categories. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!SECTION_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the sections. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!MANUFACTURER_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the manufacturers. This will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!LIBRARY_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the libraries. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!DISTRIBUTOR_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the distributors. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!GENRE_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the genres. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!VECTOR_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the vectors. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!GOOGLE_ECOM_TRACKING_V2!) - Adds the appropriate google analytics ecommerce tracking code to the orderconfirmation.aspx page when the site is in Live mode. If this is working properly, nothing will be displayed to the customer.


(!ADVANCED_CATEGORY_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the categories. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!ADVANCED_SECTION_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the sections. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!ADVANCED_MANUFACTURER_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the manufacturers. This will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!ADVANCED_LIBRARY_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the libraries. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!ADVANCED_DISTRIBUTOR_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the distributors. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!ADVANCED_GENRE_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the genres. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!ADVANCED_VECTOR_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the vectors. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!CATEGORY_SELECT_LIST!) - Renders a dropdown list of the categories. Must set the appconfig EntitySelectLists.Enabled to true to use. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!SECTION_SELECT_LIST!) - Renders a dropdown list of the sections. Must set the appconfig EntitySelectLists.Enabled to true to use. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!MANUFACTURER_SELECT_LIST!) - Renders a dropdown list of the manufacturers. Must set the appconfig EntitySelectLists.Enabled to true to use. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!LIBRARY_SELECT_LIST!) - Renders a dropdown list of the libraries. Must set the appconfig EntitySelectLists.Enabled to true to use. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!DISTRIBUTOR_SELECT_LIST!) - Renders a dropdown list of the distributors. Must set the appconfig EntitySelectLists.Enabled to true to use. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!GENRE_SELECT_LIST!) - Renders a dropdown list of the genres. Must set the appconfig EntitySelectLists.Enabled to true to use. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!VECTOR_SELECT_LIST!) - Renders a dropdown list of the vectors. Must set the appconfig EntitySelectLists.Enabled to true to use. Currently this token is unsupported. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of xmlpackages.

(!COUNTRYDIVVISIBILITY!) - Returns "hidden" if only one language is set up, or "visible" if multiple languages exist. Can be used to set the visibility properties of the !COUNTRYSELECTLIST! token.

(!COUNTRYDIVDISPLAY!) - Returns "none" if only one language is set up, or "inline" if multiple languages exist. Can be used to set the visibility properties of the !COUNTRYSELECTLIST! token.

(!COUNTRYSELECTLIST!) - Displays a dropdown list of installed locales that customers can use to choose the language to view the site in.

(!CURRENCYDIVVISIBILITY!) - Returns "hidden" if only one currency is set up, or "visible" if multiple currencies exist. Can be used to set the visibility properties of the !CURRENCYSELECTLIST! token.

(!CURRENCYDIVDISPLAY!) - Returns "none" if only one currency is set up, or "inline" if multiple currencies exist. Can be used to set the visibility properties of the !CURRENCYSELECTLIST! token.

(!CURRENCYSELECTLIST!) - Displays a dropdown list of installed currencies that customers can use to choose the currency to view the site in.

(!VATDIVVISIBILITY!) - Returns "hidden" if either VAT is disabled or VAT.AllowCustomerToChooseSetting is false, or "visible" if VAT is on and VAT.AllowCustomerToChooseSetting is true. Can be used to set the visibility properties of the !VATSELECTLIST! token.

(!VATDIVDISPLAY!) - Returns "none" if either VAT is disabled or VAT.AllowCustomerToChooseSetting is false, or "inline" if VAT is on and VAT.AllowCustomerToChooseSetting is true. Can be used to set the visibility properties of the !VATSELECTLIST! token.

(!VATSELECTLIST!) - If VAT is enabled and VAT.AllowCustomerToChooseSetting is true, this displays a dropdown that allows customers to decide whether prices are shown with or without VAT added.

(!POLL!) - Displays polls that have been created through the admin site.

(!SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRATION!) - Shows the current customer's subscription expiration date, or "Expired" if no subscription exists.

(!PAGEURL!) - Displays the current page's URL, and any query strings that were used to reach it (if applicable).

(!RANDOM!) - Displays a random number in the range of 1-7

(!HDRID!) - Displays a random number in the range of 1-7

(!INVOCATION!) - Displays the current page invocation.

(!REFERRER!) - Displays the current page referrer (if any).

(!PAGEINFO!) - Outputs the full page info (invocation, currency, locale, etc). This is only viewable by viewing the page source, does not display.

(!USER_NAME!) - Displays "You're logged in as " where customer name is the currently logged-in customer, with a link to their account page

(!USERNAME!) - Displays "You're logged in as " where customer name is the currently logged-in customer, with a link to their account page

(!USER_MENU_NAME!) - Displays the customer's name

(!USER_MENU!) - Displays a link to the account page, and a link to sign in/out depending on current login state.

(!MICROPAY_BALANCE!) - If MicroPay is enabled, displays "Your balance is:" and the customer's micropay balance.

(!MICROPAY_BALANCE_RAW!) - If MicroPay is enabled, displays just the current balance in decimal value.

(!MICROPAY_BALANCE_CURRENCY!) - If MicroPay is enabled, displays the current balance with a currency symbol.

(!NUM_CART_ITEMS!) - Displays the number of items in the customer's cart.

(!CARTPROMPT!) - Displays the contents of the CartPrompt AppConfig.

(!NUM_WISH_ITEMS!) - Displays the number of items in the customer's wishlist.

(!NUM_GIFT_ITEMS!) - Displays the number of items in the customer's gift registry.

(!SIGNINOUT_TEXT!) - Displays "Login" or "Logout" depending on the current login state.

(!SIGNINOUT_LINK!) - Displays "Login" or "Logout" depending on the current login state, with links to either signin.aspx or signout.aspx.

(!MINICART!) - Displays the minicart. Configurable with the Minicart AppConfigs.

(!MINICART_PLAIN!) - Displays the minicart. Configurable with the Minicart AppConfigs.

(!CUSTOMERID!) - Displays the customer's 5-digit ID.

(!SECTION_TITLE!) - Displays the "breadcrumb" for the customer's location on the site.

(!SUPERSECTIONTITLE!) - Displays the "breadcrumb" for the customer's location on the site.

(!METATITLE!) - Displays the page's meta title information.

(!METADESCRIPTION!) - Displays the page's meta description information.

(!METAKEYWORDS!) - Displays the page's meta keywords information.

(!SENOSCRIPT!) - Inserts the contents of the SE_MetaNoScript AppConfig.

(!GRAPHICSCOLOR!) - Displays the contents of the GraphicsColorDefault AppConfig.

(!CONTENTSBGCOLOR!) - Displays the contents of the ContentsBGColorDefault AppConfig.

(!PAGEBGCOLOR!) - Displays the contents of the PageBGColorDefault AppConfig.

(!ADMIN_FOR!) - Displays the contents of the admin.main.ascx.AdminFor string resource.

(!ADMIN_USER_NAME!) - Displays the contents of the admin.main.ascx.AdminFor string resource.