Checks are very rarely used for online transactions, but they can be enabled if desired. Note that if you
decide to use this method, you need to make sure that, the address to send payment to is prominently
displayed on your site and the receipt.
1 - To use "Check" as a payment method, in the admin site, go to
Configuration → Site Configuration Wizard and check the
box beside Checks. Another way is by manually adding it in
Configuration → Advanced → AppConfig Parameters; enter Check by Mail
in the PaymentMethods appconfig.
2 - It will then be shown in the Payment Info page as one of the payment methods.
3 - A confirmation message will be displayed after placing the order.
Note: In the
topic page, edit the message that will be
displayed in the order confirmation page. Go to Content > Manage Topics, on the left side you will see a list of
topics, click on checkinstructions. In the Description box enter your instructions for sending the checks.
After you are done click on the Update Topic button to save the changes.
4 - It may now be viewed by the admin in Orders → View/Manage Orders. You will see that "CHECKBYMAIL" is the payment method indicated.