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Creating Shipping Labels & Importing Tracking Numbers

AspDotNetStorefront allows store admins to bulk export order shipping information to a CSV (Comma-separated values) file that can be imported into 3rd-party shipping applications to generate tracking numbers and print shipping labels. The tracking numbers can also be imported back into the storefront. Any shipping label software that can import from CSV files in the format we provide them and export that info back into a that same format will work!

The steps for bulk exporting order information are:

1 - Pull up an order in the admin site and click the "Mark as Ready to Ship" button. This needs to be done for all orders you need to export.

2 - Use the shipping export tool to export the orders that were marked as ready to ship.

3 - Import the order data into the shipping application from the CSV file (please see the individual application's documentation on how to do this).

4 - Generate tracking numbers for the orders through the 3rd-party software, print shipping labels, etc (please see the individual application's documentation on how to do this).

If you also need to import the tracking numbers back into the software:

1 - Export the order and tracking numbers out of the 3rd-party software for import back into the storefront. The import CSV file must be in the following format, where the first column is the order number and the second is the tracking number:

100004 234987234234311
100031 923498723423312
100032 122342374230117

2 - Import the tracking information through the same page you used to export the order information earlier. Those orders will be updated with the shipping information from the CSV file.

NOTE: The UPS Worldship Import/Export tool has been removed in version MSx9.3.1.0 due to the outdated integration. Please discuss with your developer concerning alternative methods to use if you had been utilizing this tool.