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Search Descriptions Version
This article applies to: MultiStore

Product Attributes

All products share the same basic attributes. Those attributes are broken up into tabs, which are explained below. Each product is a combination of parent product and variant information. A variant is simply a version of a product, which inherits much of its information from the parent. For example, if you sell movies that come in DVD and VHS format, the different formats could be set up as variants. Some product information (movie name, manufacturer, etc) comes from the parent product while some details (price, weight, etc) come from the variant.

Every product has at least one variant so that all of this information can be present, but products do not all have to have multiple variants.

See the sections below on product and variant properties for details on which attributes come from which level.

Parent Product Properties


Property NameDescription
NameThe products's name. This is visible to all customers
Product TypeGeneral type of product (generic, gift card, kit, etc)
ManufacturerManufacturer. Use the predefined "Generic Mgf" if no custom ones have been created
DistributorProvider/Drop-shipper product is assigned to
SKUSKU number
Manufacturer Part #This value will be sent in distributor emails if populated (optional)
PublishedDetermines whether or not the product appears on the front end of the site
Google Checkout AllowedDetermines whether customers can use the Google checkout button on the cart page (if configured) or must go through standard checkout
Display Format XML PackageThe XML package chosen here determines how the product detail page is laid out
Page SizeIf multiple variants exist, determines how many are displayed per page
Column WidthIf multiple variants exist and are being displayed in one of the grid XML packages, determines how many columns to arrange them in
Tax ClassWhich tax class to use to look up/apply tax rates to this product during checkout
Quantity Discount TableIf a discount table is selected here, customers will get a discount based on the number of this item they purchase.
Start DateThe first date you wish the product to appear to customers. Defaults to today's date
Stop DateThe last day you wish customers to be able to view that product. Generally left blank.
Show Buy ButtonSetting this to No hides the Add to Cart/Wishlist/Gift Registry buttons
Requires Registration to ViewHides the product from anonymous customers
Is Call to OrderIf this is set to Yes, a "Call to Order" prompt is displayed to customers, and there are no "buy" buttons
Hide Price Until CartThis prevents the item price from showing up on the product detail page
Exclude From Product FeedsPrevents the software from exporting this product's info when feeds (PriceGrabber, Google, etc) are executed
Is a KitSets this as a kit product
Track Inventory by Size and ColorAllows you to specify individual inventory level for every size/color combination set up on the product variant(s)
(Using this method will not work with Kits tied to the variant)
Color Option PromptText to display to customers for attributes they may choose instead of "Color:"
Size Option PromptText to display to customers for attributes they may choose instead of "Size:"
Requires Text FieldIf Yes, a text field will be displayed on the product detail page, for customers to enter personalization/custom information
Field PromptHow to label the text box if "Requires Text Field" is true
Max LengthMax number of characters allowed in the text field


On the images tab, you can upload images to display for your products. Icon images display in category-level views (where many products are shown at once) and a few other places if the store is configured to do so. Medium images show on the main product detail page, and large images show in a separate window if customers click a link on the product page to do so.

By default, the software will resize images uploaded through this page to thestandard sizes – 150x150 for icons, 250x250 for mediums, and 500x500 for larges. To change these sizes or other Image Resize settings, go to Configuration → Advanced → AppConfig Parameters in the admin site and choose “IMAGERESIZE” from the Config Groups dropdown.

The Multi-Image Manager links allow you to upload multiple images of a certain size. On the product detail page, customers will be able to cycle through the multiple images.

The top field on this page, labeled “Image Filename Override” allows you to specify a filename for the software to use for this product's images (by default, images are saved as productID.jpg). This is useful for bulk-uploading images, which can be faster than loading them individually through the admin site. You can specify a filename in this field (with extension), and then FTP your images to the following folders:


NOTE: Image filename override only works for products with a single image.

See here for information on configuring the software's image resize tools.


Information entered on the Summary tab is not actually displayed anywhere on the front end. This can be used for internal notes, special instructions, etc. This tab uses the Telerik RAD editor, and can accept HTML code. To insert HTML, click the “<>” button at the bottom of the editor.


The Description tab is where product information is entered. All of this information will be displayed to customers on your product detail pages. This tab uses the Telerik RAD editor, and can accept HTML code. To insert HTML, click the “<>” button at the bottom of the editor.

Search Engine

The fields on the Search Engine tab are used to generate the “meta” information for your product pages. This information is part of what most search engines use to index your site's pages, so you should take the time to put good information here.

Note: The “No Script” field is not used.

Product Feeds

The text (no HTML allowed here) in this box will be used for descriptions in product feeds you export through the admin site.

NOTE: We recommend copying your Product Description here (without any HTML), as DotFeed looks in “Product Feeds” first and only uses the contents of the product description if the Product Feeds field (the FroogleDescription column in the Product table in the database) is empty.


On this tab, you control where each product appears on your site and (if desired) who can see it. In the Category and Department columns, simply check the box(es) for the entities you want your product to appear in. Any customer who navigates to those areas will see this product.

In the Affiliates and Customer Level columns, you can set whether or not members of each of these groups will be able to view this product (see here for more information on product filtering).


Property NameDescription
Related ProductsInsert Product IDs (not names) here. These products will be displayed in a special box at the bottom of the main product's page
Upsell ProductsInsert Product Ids (not names) here. These products will be displayed in a special box at the bottom of the main product's page and can also be displayed on the shopping cart page
Upsell Product Discount PercentIf a customer adds an upsell product to the cart from the parent product's detail page, the discount here will be applied. If they add this product from its own page, the discount will not apply
Requires ProductsInsert Product IDs (not names) here. If a customer adds this product to the cart, the required product(s) will be added as well
On Sale PromptIf your product has a sale price set, this dropdown determins which prompt precedes that sale price. New prompts can be created at Configuration → Pricing and Promotions → Sales Prompts
Page BG ColorNot currently used
Contents BG ColorNot currently used
Skin Graphics ColorNot currently used

Extension Data

Information entered on the Extension Data tab is not actually displayed anywhere on the front end. This can be used for internal notes, special instructions, etc.

Variant Properties


Property NameDescription
Variant NameName of this product variant (optional). This value will be appended to the parent product name if filled in
SKU SuffixThis value will be appended to the parent product SKU on receipts and during checkout )optional)
Manufacturer Part #This value will be sent in distributor emails if populated (optional)
PublishedDetermines whether or not the variant appears on the front end of the site
Restricted QuantitiesIf your variant can only be purchased in certain quantities, list them here (ie: If you sell by the dozen – 12, 24, 36, etc)
Minimum QuantitySmallest quantity customers are allowed to add to the cart
PriceThe price that will be displayed to customers
Sale PriceIf this field is populated, the product detail page will list the normal price with the sale price underneath
Customer Enters PriceIf this is set to true, customers can set their own price for the product (often used for donation or gift card products). NOTE: This option does not work for kit products!
Customer Enters Price PromptLabel for the text box customers enter their price in on the product detail page. NOTE: This option does not work for kit products!
MSRPFor internal use only
Actual CostFor internal use only
Is TaxableDetermines whether or not this variant is taxed under the class set for the parent product
Is Ship SeparatelyIf using realtime shipping, this instructs the carrier to calculate the cost of shipping this item in its own box. This is done by sending the product dimensions, instead of just the weight that is usually sent to the carrier. NOTE: FedEx's API does not accept product dimensions with decimal places (ie 3.5). Remember that when entering dimensions for your products, they will be rounded up to whole numbers if you're using FedEx realtime rates.
Is Free ShippingSet whether or not the item gets free shipping, or if it doesn't even need shipping at all (such as a service or digital product). Note that if a product actually does have to be shipped but you don't want it to be factored into shipping costs if ordered with other items, you must also set the 'Is Ship Separately' option to yes
WeightVariant weight, used for shipping calculations
DimensionsSize (height x width x depth) of the package the item ships in (in the format N x N x N or NxNxN)
Current InventoryNumber of this item on hand


See “Images” section under Parent Product Properties above for full details. Variant images will only show when using certain XML packages for display (Display Format XML Package attribute on the parent product).


The Description tab is where product information is entered. All of this information will be displayed to customers on your product detail pages. This tab uses the Telerik RAD editor, and can accept HTML code. To insert HTML, click the “<>” button at the bottom of the editor.

Product Feeds

The text (no HTML allowed here) in this box will be used for descriptions in product feeds you export through the admin site.


On the Attributes tab, you can define user-selectable attributes that change the variant (for example the size and color of a t-shirt). Values defined here will be listed as dropdown menus on the product detail page. You can also specify SKU suffixes that will be appended to the base SKU on receipts to indicate which attributes were chosen.

You can also specify price modifiers for these attributes by enclosing them in brackets immediately after the attribute name. In the example below, a shirt with a base price of $12 for the medium size would be $10 for small, or $15 for large:

Sizes: Small [-2.00], Medium, Large [3.00]

Note: These fields can be called something other than Color and Size, using the “Color Option Prompt” and “Size Option Prompt” attributes on the parent product (see above).

Note: Avoid using quote marks (") in the attributes as they can cause Add To Cart to fail when using "Limit cart to quantity on hand".


These fields are not currently used.