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Audit Log for Recurring Orders

The Audit Log is enabled by the AuditLog.Enabled AppConfig parameter. Set to true to enable logging. Actions performed on recurring orders will now be logged and viewable in the Admin site for each customer.

Viewing the Order History Page

To view a customer's log, first go to the Order History page for that customer. A link is displayed to view the activity related to this customer's recurring orders.

The Audit Log Page

The CustomerID column shows the CustomerID of the person that initiated the action, either the customer or a store admin.
The Description column shows the action taken. Currently logged actions are:ProcessRecurringOrder, CancelRecurringOrder, ProcessAutoBillDeclined, ProcessAutoBillRestartPayment, ProcessAutoBillRetryPayment, ProcessAutoBillMigrateExisting, ProcessAutoBillFullRefund, ProcessAutoBillAddressUpdate.
The PagePath column displays the page that the action was initiated from.