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This article applies to: ML8

Related Products

The related products feature gives store admins the ability to cross-sell or recommend additional products to their customers. There are 2 ways to set up related products:

Pre-Determined Related Products

The first method allows store admins to specify which products should be linked together.


1 - First, list the IDs of the products you would like to be related (this must be done for each product) on the Manage Products page in the admin site:

2 - Configure these AppConfigs as desired for your site:

AppConfig NameDescription
RelatedProductsFormatThis determines whether the related products are displayed in a GRID (x rows by x columns, see below) or TABLE (single column of product listings)
RelatedProductsGridColWidthIf RelatedProductsFormat is set to GRID, this setting determines how many columns each row will have.

Related products configured this way will display at the bottom of product detail pages:

Dynamic Related Products

The second method of configuring related products allows the software to pick which products are displayed dynamically. It does this by looking at which products customers viewed together in the past. For instance if a lot of customers who view a TV also view a special HD cable, the cable may appear as a related product for that TV.


1 - Configure these AppConfigs as desired for your site:

AppConfig NameDescription
DynamicRelatedProducts.NumberDisplayedThis controls how many dynamic related products to display.
DynamicRelatedProducts.EnabledSetting this to true enables this feature.
RelatedProductsFormatThis determines whether the related products are displayed in a GRID (x rows by x columns, see below) or TABLE (single column of product listings)
RelatedProductsGridColWidthIf RelatedProductsFormat is set to GRID, this setting determines how many columns each row will have.

Related products configured this way will display at the bottom of product detail pages exactly as standard related products do.