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This article applies to: ML8, MultiStore

Recently Viewed Products

The Recently Viewed Products feature adds links to the last few product pages the customer visited on the bottom of the current product's page (or on the Recently Viewed tab if using the Tabbed XML Package).

The feature is configured with the following AppConfigs:

AppConfig NameDescription
RecentlyViewedProducts.EnabledSetting this to true enables the feature.
RecentlyViewedProducts.NumberDisplayed This value determines the maximum number of recent products that will be displayed. If using the GRID view (see below), it is recommended that this value be set to a multiple of the GridColWidth for aesthetic reasons.
RecentlyViewedProducts.ProductsFormatThis setting determines whether the recent products are arranged in a table, or a grid (see image below). Allowed values are TABLE and GRID.
RecentlyViewedProductsGridColWidthIf using the GRID layout (see above), determines the number of products per row.