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Mailing Manager

From the Configuration menu, click Pricing and Promotions → Mailing Manager

The mailing manager allows you to send mass emails to customers who set 'OK to Email' to yes during registration.

Creating a Mass Mailing

To send a mass email to customers, fill in the fields explained below and click submit.

NOTE: Sending a large number of emails can take some time, only click the Submit button once!

Field NameDescription
SubjectThis will be the subject line sent to your customers.
Test OnlyIf this is set to yes, only one email will be sent, to the store contact email address. Use this to verify that the email appears as you want when sent.
Customers with orders onlyIf this is set to yes, only customers who have completed purchases on your site will be emailed.
Customers who last ordered betweenIf you specify a date range in these fields, only customers who placed an order in that period will be emailed.
Customers who purchasedDropdown menu populated by a list of products that have been purchased recently. If an option is chosen here, only customers who purchased that product will be emailed.
List customers who would be emailed onlyIf this is set to yes, instead of sending the email the software will just list the addresses it would be sent to, based on your other selections on this page.
Customer levelYou can choose to send the email only to a certain customer level, or to all customers.
Message BodyThis is the contents of the email. You can write the message here or copy/paste it from another source. The message can contain HTML, entered by clicking the <> icon on the toolbar.
FooterThe contents of the footer will appear at the bottom of the email. You can change this through the topics page.

Removing a Customer from the Mailing List

At the bottom of this page, there is a form that can be used to remove a customer from your mailing list if desired. Simply put in their email address and click Submit.