The YourPay and LinkPoint payment gateways are now both owned by First Data and use the same API. Because of this, directions for setting them up are exactly the same, aside from AppConfig names. This guide references YourPay AppConfigs - if you are configuring LinkPoint, simply replace any references to 'YOURPAY' with 'LINKPOINT'.
NOTE: These gateways require installation of 3rd-party components from several companies on the server. This is not always going to be possible in shared hosting environments. Configuring these gateways is much more complex than some of the others that the software supports and should be done by an IT professional.
NOTE: AspDotNetStorefront do not endorse or support OpenSSL, or install it for you, or handle anything related to OpenSSL. If you are having trouble, contact First Data for help on getting their gateway installed.
OpenSSL is well-known, widely respected open source software that provides encryption/decryption, SSL communications, and digital signature capabilities. The OpenSSL toolkit is licensed under a Apache-style license, which basically means that you are free to use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Please see the OpenSSL web site for more information at There are FAQs available there that answer many of the OpenSSL usage questions.
1 - First, check with your host to see if OpenSSL is installed already, and if not verify that installing it is permitted/possible (it may not be in some shared environments). If it is already installed, move on to the 'PEM File' section below.
2 - Use the Windows installer at to install the required DLLs into the /system folder on the server. See here for more information on that install process.
PEM File
These gateways also require the use of a Digital Certificate (PEM) file. The file should have come with the original 'welcome' email received from First Data after registering, however it can be re-obtained with the steps below. Once you have the file, place it in the /web folder (or root folder if it has been renamed) of your website.
1 - Visit
2 - Log in to the Virtual Terminal
3 - Click on "Support" in the Main Menu Bar.
4 - Click on the word "Download Center" under Downloads in the Side Menu Box.
5 - Click on "Download Now" Store PEM File section on main page.
6 - Key in necessary information to start download. For production stores you will be required to supply your actual SSN or Tax ID that you provided when you sign-up with First Data.
Once OpenSSL and the PEM file are installed, simply make these AppConfig changes and setup is complete:
1 - Set the YOURPAY_KEYFILE AppConfig to the name of the PEM file you downloaded above (for example, 12345678.pem)
2 - Set the YOURPAY_CONFIGFILE AppConfig to your 'Store Number', obtained from First Data.
3 - Set the PAYMENTGATEWAY AppConfig to YOURPAY.