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PayPal Express Checkout - through

PayPal Express

Once you have followed the steps in the PayPal Account Creation section and have your PayPal account details, to enable PayPal Express:

1. In the AspDotNetStorefront admin console, go to the Site Configuration Wizard page.

2. In the Payment Methods section, click the 'configure' link next to the PayPal Express Checkout entry.

3. Put in the values you obtained from PayPal for the 'API Username', 'API Password', and 'API Signature'.

4. Enable the desired options and click Save and Close.

5. Finally, check the box next to PayPal Express Checkout and then click the Submit button at the top or bottom of the page.

NOTE: The Integrated Checkout option is a lightbox overlay (your site is grayed-out behind it) allowing the customer to login and pay through their PayPal account without appearing to leave the site.

NOTE: PayPal Express does not work in the Basic One Page Checkout (deprecated as of MSx9.1.0.0) option in version MSx9.3.1.0/

NOTE: Version 9410 introduces an easy way to advertise the Bill Me Later feature, available with all PayPal payment methods.