Due to restrictions set by GoDaddy, GoDaddy email settings cannot be directly used to send email (receipts, shipment notifications) from your store.
You can work around this restriction by establishing a free Gmail account, and using Gmail settings to "Send As" your GoDaddy email address.
What you need:
- GoDaddy email account (sales@yourdomain.com):
- Free Gmail account (yourgmailaddress@gmail.com):
First, Log in to your Gmail account.
Click the Gear icon in the top right corner, and select Settings:
Click the Accounts tab, and in the Send Mail As: section, click Add another email address you own.
In the pop up box, enter your company name in the Name field.
Enter your GoDaddy Email address (sales@yourdomain.com)
UN-check the Treat as an alias box.
Click Next Step.
On the next screen, select Send through yourdomain.com SMTP servers.
Enter the following values:
SMTP Server: smtpout.secureserver.net
Username: sales@yourdomain.com (Your GoDaddy email address)
Password: [your GoDaddy email password]
Select Port 465.
Select Secured connection usingSSL.
Click Add Account.
Gmail will check your credentials, and send an email verification code to your sales@yourdomain.com GoDaddy email address. Check your GoDaddy email account and either click the link in the email to verify, or copy the confirmation code, and click Verify.
Next, log in to your AspDotNetStorefront admin console, and navigate to Configuration > Email.
Click the Advanced tab.
Set the following values on the Email configuration page:
Mail Server DNS: smtp.gmail.com
Mail Server Username: yourgmailaddress@gmail.com
Mail Server Password: [Your Gmail Password]
Mail Server TCP Port: 587
Mail Server Requires SSL:Yes
Receipt Email sends from (Email Address): sales@yourdomain.com
Receipt Email sends from (Name): Your Company Name
New Order Notifications send to (EMail Address): sales@yourdomain.com
New Order Notifications send to (Name): Your Company Name
New Order Notifications send from (EMail Address): sales@yourdomain.com
New Order Notifications send from (Name): Your Company Name
When you’re finished, it should look like this:
Click the buttons at the bottom of the page to Test. If you’ve followed all of the steps, you’ll see a ‘success’ message on the email configuration page. You should also receive a copy of the test email in your inbox, where the ‘From’ email address is your GoDaddy Email address.