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This article applies to: MultiStore

Subscription Interval field is missing in MSx9200 through MSx9410

When editing a product variant, the Subscription Interval field is missing, instead a YES/NO radio selection for "Is Subscription" is shown, and the selection does nothing.

This is a bug (an incomplete modification) and is in the development bug queue for a fix in a future release.

NOTE: This has been fixed in version

You can use the SQL query below to set a Subscription Interval on a product variant. Enter this query (copy/paste) in the Configuration - Advanced - Run SQL window and Submit:

UPDATE ProductVariant
SET SubscriptionInterval='1'
WHERE VariantID='25'

NOTE: Replace the numbers in red with your desired values.

NOTE: This is functional when using Gateway Recurring Billing and the PayFlow Pro Payment Gateway, as the interval type requires special values that do not use an interval value.