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PayPal PayFlow Pro Payment Gateway

To enable the PayPal PayFlow Pro gateway:

1. In the AspDotNetStorefront admin console, go to the Site Configuration Wizard page.

2. In the Payment Gateway section, click the 'configure' link next to the PayPal PayFlow Pro entry.

3. Put in the values you obtained from PayPal PayFlow Pro for the 'Partner', 'User', 'Password', and 'Vendor'.

4. Click 'Save and Close'.

5. Finally, click the radio button next to PayPal PayFlow Pro and then click the 'Submit' button.

NOTE: Enabling this payment gateway automatically enables PayPal Express.

NOTE: PayPal Standard, Express and Advanced options now include the Bill Me Later feature.

NOTE: Version 9410 introduces an easy way to advertise the Bill Me Later feature, available with all PayPal payment methods.

NOTE: Versions prior to 9200 will require modifying the AppConfigs directly: Search for "PayFlowPro" in the AppConfigs grid.