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JetPay Payment Gateway

To set up the JetPay payment gateway:

1. In the AspDotNetStorefront admin site, go to Configuration → Advanced → AppConfig Settings

2. In the Config Search box, enter “JETPAY”, then click Search.

3. The following AppConfigs will need to be populated with your personal account information, obtained from JetPay. Do not change the other AppConfigs unless instructed to do so!


4. Finally, go to Configuration → Site Configuration Wizard in the AspDotNetStorefront admin site and select “JetPay” from the Payment Gateways section. Click the “Submit” button, and your gateway setup is complete.

NOTES: When testing JetPay, customers will sometimes see an error stating that a secure connection was unable to be created, having to do with a bad SSL certificate. This is caused by the type of SSL certificate that JetPay uses on their server. This can be resolved by browsing directly to the URL specified in the JETPAY_TEST_SERVER AppConfig in Internet Explorer. It must be in IE, to force Windows to load the certificate path.

Also, please be aware that the JetPay gateway handles voids differently than most. Voids can only be performed on an order after the order has been captured.