When attempting to upload a file in the topic or entity description editor using the Upload tab, the message "Provided document (or image) file exceeds max size allowed!" is shown in ML8. In MultiStore the message reads "The size of the uploaded file exceeds max size allowed".
The maximum file size has been exceeded. This value is displayed on the Upload tab (i.e., Max file size allowed 200KB).
Upload/FTP the file to the site manually and use the Browse Files tab of the Image/Document/Media/Flash Manager to insert the file,
or set the maximum file sizes to a proper value:
Edit the \RadControls\Editor\ConfigFile.xml file for the
MaxImageSize, MaxDocumentSize, MaxMediaSize, MaxFlashSize properties.
MultiStore (9200 and older):
For topics, edit the
\{admindirectory}\Controls\TopicEditor.ascx file for the
maxuploadfilesize elements in the RadEditor control.
For entities, edit the appropriate admin file for the
maxuploadfilesize elements in the RadEditor control (entityEdit.aspx, entityEditProducts.aspx, entityEditProductVariant.aspx).
MultiStore (9300-9420):
For topics, edit the
\{admindirectory}\Controls\TopicEditor.ascx file for the
MaxUploadFileSize elements in the RadEditor control.
For entities, edit the appropriate admin file for the
MaxUploadFileSize elements in the RadEditor control (entity.aspx, entityEditProducts.aspx, entityEditProductVariant.aspx).
MSx 9500:
For topics, edit the
\{admindirectory}\Topic.aspx file for the
MaxUploadFileSize elements in the RadEditor control.
For entities, edit the appropriate admin file for the
MaxUploadFileSize elements in the RadEditor control (entity.aspx, product.aspx, variant.aspx).
MSx 9510 (and V10.0.x):
For all editors, edit the
\App_Themes\Admin_Default\ file for the
MaxUploadFileSize elements in the telerik:RadEditor control: