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This article applies to the WSI functionality.


System Requirements
  • AspDotNetStorefront or higher
  • WSE 3.0 (only required if submitting requests using username token authentication)
  • SSL certificate for your domain (strongly recommended)

7x Versions

NOTE: 7x versions of the software are no longer supported. While these directions will allow users on old versions of the software to enable & use the WSI feature, the support desk will be unable to assist with any issues that are encountered during installation or use. It is HIGHLY recommended that all sites be kept on up to date versions of the platform.

1. Ensure that the WSE 3.0 addon from Microsoft is installed on your server (link above).

2. Copy the ASPDNSFUserNameTokenManager.cs and ipx.cs files into the {root}/App_Code folder on your site. Those files are found in a separate WSI folder that came with your original software download.

3. Copy the ipx.asmx and ipx.xml files from the WSI folder to the root of your site.

4. Open your web.config file, and search for WSI. You should find 4 sections that are commented out, each marked with a 'WSI Web Service Interface' label. All 4 sections need to be uncommented.

5. Verify that you can browse to http://www.yoursite.com/ipx.asmx and that the page loads without error. WSI is installed!

8x and 9x Versions

1. Ensure that the WSE 3.0 addon from Microsoft is installed on your server (link above).

2. Open your web.config file, and search for WSI. You should find 4 sections that are commented out, each marked with a 'WSI Web Service Interface' label. All 4 sections need to be uncommented.

3. Verify that you can browse to http://www.yoursite.com/ipx.asmx and that the page loads without error. WSI is installed!