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This article applies to: ML v7, ML8, MultiStore

How do I setup Google Apps or Gmail to send email from my AspDotNetStorefront site?

Google Apps and Gmail are free email services that can be setup to send email from your AspDotNetStorefront site.

In your admin console, go to Configuration > Email. In ML v7 or ML8, continue to the Advanced tab.
Use the following settings for your Google Apps or Gmail email account:

Mail Server DNS: smtp.gmail.com
Mail Server Username (optional): your email address*
Mail Server Password (optional): your email account password
Mail Server TCP Port: 587
Mail Server Requires SSL: YES

*We suggest setting up a dedicated email address (for example: store@yourdomain.com) to use when setting up your email settings in your AspDotNetStorefront site. This email address should also be the same one listed as “Store E-mail Address” in your Site Configuration Wizard.

NOTE: We cannot assist with email errors and issues. Consult your email service provider.