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Search Descriptions Version
This article applies to: ML8, MultiStore

Product Specs

Enabling product specs is a easy way to link to a custom html page (or any content type that a browser will render such as .txt, .pdf, image file, etc.) you've created for products. For example, if you have a set of specifications that belong to multiple products you can provide a link to the page which will popup, or show the specs inline on the product page (set Specs Inline: YES). Another good example is linking a sizing chart to clothing items. Please see examples below for further clarification.

Setup Procedure
1. Add your custom file to the /descriptions/productspecs folder through FTP.

2. Edit the product within the admin console and click on the Options tab. Here is where you will configure product specs.

3. In the 'Spec Title' enter the name of the link you want to appear on the product page.

4. In the 'Spec Call' field enter the relative path to the custom file you uploaded in step 1. (such as /descriptions/productspecs/myinfo.pdf )

5. Lastly, set Specs Inline: YES if you want the file to be displayed at the bottom of the product page, or NO if you want it to open in a new popup window.