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This article applies to: ML v7, ML8, MultiStore

Realtime Shipping with Multiple Distributors

The software can be configured to calculate RTS rates from distributors with different origin addresses.

NOTE:  This works for UPS realtime rates ONLY.  Please send all questions regarding this feature to support at https://support.aspdotnetstorefront.com

NOTE:  This feature will NOT work with Google checkout, as the multiple calls to UPS will not process within Google’s 3-second required response time.

As of version, an AppConfig called RTShipping.MultiDistributorCalculation has been added.  Setting this to “true” will separate products in the cart into 4 groups (shown below) and send each group to the carrier separately, then add the rates together before displaying them to the customer.  This will allow the carrier to correctly calculate shipping costs based on distributor locations, not the store location.  Note that UPS is currently the only shipping carrier supported.  The requests which are sent to UPS are:

     - IsShipSeparately products with distributors (rates determined by distributor zip code)
     - Non-IsShipSeparately products grouped by distributors (rate determined by distributor zip code)
     - IsShipSeparately products without a distributor (rates determined by RTShipping.OriginZip value)
     - Non-IsShipSeparately products without a distributor (rate determined by RTShipping.OriginZip value)