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Editing Encrypted Stored Procedures

Beginning in version, stored procedures in the database are encrypted for security and to prevent accidental modification.  To edit these stored procedures, follow the directions below.

NOTE:  Be sure you have a backup of the database before doing this!

1 - Open the 'Create AspDotNetStorefront Database.sql' file found in the /db folder wherever you extracted the storefront files.

2 - Find the section labeled 'Stored Procedures' and copy it into a separate text file.  Copy ONLY the Stored Procedures section!

3 - Do a find/replace on the new text file, replacing all instances of 'WITH ENCRYPTION' (no quotes) with an empty string.

4 - Through SQL Server Mgmt Studio or Enterprise Manager, drop all stored procedures from the existing database.

5 - Run the newly-created Stored Procedures script against the existing database.  The script will recreate all of the procedures that were just deleted with unencrypted versions.