Beginning in version, stored procedures in the database are encrypted for security and to prevent accidental modification. To edit these stored procedures, follow the directions below.
NOTE: Be sure you have a backup of the database before doing this!
1 - Open the 'Create AspDotNetStorefront Database.sql' file found in the /db folder wherever you extracted the storefront files.
2 - Find the section labeled 'Stored Procedures' and copy it into a separate text file. Copy ONLY the Stored Procedures section!
3 - Do a find/replace on the new text file, replacing all instances of 'WITH ENCRYPTION' (no quotes) with an empty string.
4 - Through SQL Server Mgmt Studio or Enterprise Manager, drop all stored procedures from the existing database.
5 - Run the newly-created Stored Procedures script against the existing database. The script will recreate all of the procedures that were just deleted with unencrypted versions.