What is the file format for importing shipping tracking numbers in the admin site?
In order to import tracking numbers through the Orders->Shipping Import/Export option in the admin site, the CSV file has to be properly formatted. The file should be 3 columns, with no headers.
- The first column should be either Y or N, indicating whether or not the order has been voided.
Note: This will not appear on ML and can be ignored.
- The second column is the order number *
- The third column contains the tracking number from the shipping carrier
This applies to ML and below
Y 100004 234987234234311
N 100031 923498723423312
N 100032 122342374230117
While this applies to ML
100004 234987234234311
100031 923498723423312
100032 122342374230117
* The software appends a "-#" to the end of order numbers if you do a shipping export (ex: 100004-1). The extra number is the record ID of the shipping address for that order, from the Address table. The import file will work with or without that appended value.