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This article applies to: MultiStore

Global Configs

Global Configs can be accessed at Configuration → Advanced → GlobalConfig Parameters or Configuration → Store Maintenance on the 'Global Configs' tab.

These settings affect how ALL stores in the MultiStore install function. For information on settings that can vary by store, review AppConfig Parameters.

GlobalConfig Name Description
AllowAffiliateFiltering This setting determines whether Affiliates function on all stores or if they can be mapped per store. If this is set to TRUE, Affiliates can be mapped specifically to stores.
AllowCouponFiltering This setting determines whether Coupons/Promotions function on all stores or if they can be mapped per store. If this is set to TRUE, coupons/promotions can be mapped per store, and customers will receive an 'Invalid Coupon/Promotion' message if they try to use a coupon/promotion on a store it is not mapped to. See this page for Promotions (versions 9300+) and this page for Coupons in previous versions. Mapping information can be found here.
AllowCustomerDuplicateEMailAddresses This setting determines whether customers' email addresses must be unique, or can be re-used. Allowing duplicate email addresses can cause confusion between purchases, and make accounting more complicated as multiple customer records may have the same email. We almost always recommend that this be set to FALSE, unless 'AllowCustomerFiltering' (see below) is set to TRUE.
AllowCustomerFiltering If this is set to FALSE (recommended), a customer that registers on one of your MultiStore sites also becomes registered on all other stores in that instance. Their login, addresses, order history, etc will be shared across all of the stores. If set to TRUE, the customer must register independently on every store. Setting this to TRUE requires that 'AllowCustomerDuplicateEmailAddresses' be TRUE as well.
AllowEntityFiltering If this is set to TRUE, entities (categories, manufacturers, departments, etc) will only show up on the stores that they are mapped to. See this page for more details.
AllowGiftCardFiltering This setting determines whether Gift Cards function on all stores or if they can be mapped per store. If this is set to TRUE, Gift Cards can be mapped per store, and customers will receive an 'Invalid Gift Card' message if they try to use a Gift Card on a store it is not mapped to. See this page for more details.
AllowNewsFiltering If this is set to TRUE, News Articles will only show up on the stores that they are mapped to. See this page for more details.
AllowOrderOptionFiltering If this is set to TRUE, Order Options will only show up on the stores that they are mapped to. See this page for more details.
AllowProductFiltering If this is set to TRUE, Products will only show up on the stores that they are mapped to. See this page for more details.
AllowRatingFiltering If this is set to TRUE, customer product Ratings will only appear on the store they were created on, even if the product is mapped to multiple stores.
AllowShippingFiltering If this is set to TRUE, fixed Shipping Methods will only appear on the stores they are mapped to. If this is set to TRUE, make sure that every store has at least one shipping method mapped to it or customers will be unable to check out on stores without a mapped shipping method! NOTE that Real Time Shipping rates cannot be mapped per store!
AllowShoppingcartFiltering If this is set to FALSE, customers can add products from multiple stores to a single cart, and check out on any of those stores. Note that 'AllowCustomerFiltering' must also be set to FALSE for this to function.
AllowTemplateSwitchingByLocale If this setting is set to TRUE, the stores in this install will be able to switch to another skin when a customer chooses a locale.
AllowTopicFiltering If this is set to TRUE, Topics will only show up on the stores that they are mapped to. See this page for more details.
DefaultRedirectURL Not currently used.
LicenseKey This value should not be changed unless directed by support staff.
SSLRededirectURL Not currently used.
UseSharedSSL Not currently used.

The following Global Configs are only found in versions 9200+ :

GlobalConfig Name Description
Anonymous.AllowAlreadyRegisteredEmail This setting determines whether email addresses that are already used on a registered account can be used for anonymous purchases. If TRUE anonymous users will be able to checkout with email addresses that are already in use. If AllowCustomerDuplicateEMailAddresses is TRUE this setting has no effect.
BuySafe.Enabled To enable buySAFE set this to TRUE. If this is FALSE, buySAFE will be disabled. Please review the buySAFE instructions first.
BuySafe.EndPoint The buySAFE API endpoint. Please do not change this setting.
BuySafe.GMS Your buySAFE GMS (Gross Monthly Sales average).
BuySafe.Hash The buySAFE Hash value is the unique identifier for your buySAFE account. Please contact buySAFE if you have any questions.
BuySafe.RollOverJSLocation The buySAFE javascript location. Do not change this value.
BuySafe.TrialStartDate The date on which your 30 day BuySAFE trial started. This is for your reference only and changing this value will have no effect on the trial period.
BuySafe.UserName Your BuySAFE user name. This will be populated automatically when starting the free trial.