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This article applies to: MultiStore

The Admin Home Page

The admin home page is broken into several sections, detailed below. To sign into your admin site for the first time, go to http://www.yoursite.com/admin/signin.aspx and enter the default credentials:

ID: admin@aspdotnetstorefront.com
Pass: Admin$11

Change these credentials as soon as possible. See here for information on doing that.

Most of the sections below can be collapsed/expanded by clicking the blue icon next to the section header:

Common Links

This section contains links to areas of the admin site that you'll use frequently while maintaining your store. See the links below for information on what these pages do.

- Run Configuration Wizard
- Run Monthly Maintenance
- View/Manage Orders
- View/Manage Products
- View/Manage Customers
- View/Edit AppConfigs

System Information

This section displays basic information about your store.

Security Audit

The security audit does a check of the current security status of your site, based on which of the Security Best Practices appear to have been done and notifies you of any issues that it detects.


From time to time AspDotNetStorefront will publish news articles on our site with information about updates to our software, new partnerships, etc. This RSS feed will display links to those news articles.

Note: This section can be disabled with the Admin.ShowNewsFeed AppConfig.

Store Statistics

This section shows basic statistics for customer and order activity on your site.

Latest Orders

This section displays recent orders, with links to each order to view the full details.

Latest Registered Customers

This section displays recently registered customers.