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This article applies to: MultiStore

Manage News

From Content Menu, click Manage News

News articles allow store admins to inform customers of special events, changes, additions, or anything else you wish to communicate to your customers.

From this page, you can click 'Add New' to create a new article (see below for details) or click an existing article to view/edit it.

Creating News Articles

Clicking the 'Add New' button shown above will display this screen, where all of the article's attributes can be set. Each field is described below.

Field NameDescription
Select LocaleChoose a language from the dropdown to assign the text you're creating to. See here for more information on locales.
HeadlineThis is the title of your news article. It will be shown in the 'Store News' section on your home page (see below) and on the main news page.
News CopyThis is the main text of the news article. The content is entered through the Telerik RAD editor, and can accept HTML. This will only be displayed on the main news page.
Expiration DateEnter the date you wish the article to stop displaying on your site (defaults to one month from creation). If the article should always display, set this date far in the future.
PublishedDetermines whether or not this article will appear on the front end.

Displaying News Articles

If news articles exist, a special 'Store News' section will display on the store's home page, with the dates and headlines of current news articles.

Customers can click on a headline to be taken to the main news.aspx page, where the full text of the articles is visible.


These AppConfigs allow store admins to change the functionality of the news feature.

AppConfig NameDescription
DoNotShowNewsOnHomePageIf this is set to true, the 'Store News' section will not display on the store home page, even if news article exist.
NewsTeaserText entered in this AppConfig will show at the top if the list of full news articles (see 'full news articles' image above)
ShowFullNewsArticleIf this is set to true, the full text of all news articles will be displayed on the news.aspx page. If it's false, only the selected article's text will be shown (as in the 'full news articles' image above)