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Release Summary

While this is not a 'major' release, is full of much anticipated, very exciting changes ranging from improvements to the admin panel, to the user checkout experience.

There are some significant gaps in Smart One Page Checkout functionality and compatibility that have been addressed as well as improvements to shipping features, PayPal integration and Mobile functionality.

All Fixes

  • Smart One Page Checkout now supports PayPal Payments Standard and there are refinements to PayPal Payments Advanced. Don't forget that since 9.3, PayPal have extended this to include BillMeLater
  • Smart One Page Checkout now stores email addresses in the address table records as well as the customer table
  • Smart One Page Checkout no longer hides the "Next" button if credit card information is missed, and retains the credit card details if billing address is edited
  • Smart One Page Checkout now adds the shipping value to the SOPC Shopping Cart immediately after selection of a shipping method
  • Smart One Page Checkout processing times have been substantially boosted
  • Smart One Page Checkout will now prompt unregistered customers with zero-cost no-ship orders for an address
  • Changing the quantities of products in the Smart One Page Checkout mini-cart now honors Required Products settings
  • Smart One Page Checkout will now show the Quantity Discount amount
  • Order notes can be entered by a shopper and persist with all checkouts, including Smart One Page Checkout
  • Order Notes can now be cleared out on the shopping cart page
  • New customers are mapped to the proper store in the Basic One Page Checkout
  • The beginnings of a reporting suite have been introduced with the added benefit that each report can be exported to a spreadsheet:

  • NOTE: You can still use the previous built-in basic reporting by adding the page to your admin URL in your browser: /rpt_customers.aspx , /rpt_emails.aspx , rpt_orders.aspx , rpt_stats.aspx

  • Topics can now be prepared and marked as unpublished, either in anticipation of an event, or after the fact
  • Product, entity, topic, and static pages that are not found will now consistently return a 404 response code which will, in turn, render the contents of the pagenotfound.aspx page. This page can make recommendations based on the URL originally entered. See directions here
  • All references to "Pack" products have been removed (only functional in ML8 and older versions)
  • Upgrade database scripts correctly set dbo schema
  • A hard-coded style of "cursor:hand;cursor:pointer" used throughout the application on images regardless if they have links or not has been moved to a class in the stylesheet so it can be more easily modified
  • An UpdatedOn column has been added to the Product database table to better manage product records
  • Previous versions of MultiStore had nonexistent references in robots.txt. This has been cleaned up in – users should check the robots file following an upgrade to verify these are removed
  • Full support for global addresses with PayPal Express checkout
  • If no payment options are enabled by the administrator, the 'Continue Checkout' buttons on the shopping cart page will be hidden. Google Checkout & PayPal Express options will still display on that page if enabled
  • There are refinements to PayPal Payments Advanced, and don’t forget that since 9.3, PayPal has extended this to include BillMeLater
  • In the admin console we have extended the search feature to allow for search on SKU, Product ID, Name and MPN. Entity search allows for Name and EntityID
  • Orders can now be filtered by store in the admin console Order Management
  • improves how products and entities are loaded in the admin editors, along with a 'loading' spinner above the grid
  • Admins can now set the display order of Tax Classes through the admin console, which is used to determine the application of order-level Promotions. See HERE for more specific information
  • The editor used to create Descriptions, Summaries, Topic contents, etc throughout the admin console will no longer strip out script tags by default
  • improves the UI for editing customer addresses in the admin console
  • The stock 'nopicture' images have been set to automagically resize so that they match the default size for icon and medium images uploaded through the admin console
  • The breadcrumb leader "Now In:" is now a modifiable String Resource and not hard-coded in the template.master
  • Receipts are now set to work globally with both VAT-inclusive and VAT-exclusive transactions
  • The UPS Worldship shipping Import/Export tool has been removed. Please discuss alternate options with your developer if you have been using this tool such as Atandra THub
  • Building the site in Visual Studio 2012 no longer produces warnings (stock site)
  • The skin/theme attached to the mobile cart can now be varied per store in a MultiStore setting
  • The Ajax mini-cart no longer interferes with the mobile skin, allowing the Add To Cart button to function
  • Product names are effectively truncated when displayed on the Ajax mini-cart
  • Product names can end with a "-"
  • MoneyBookers/Skrill Quick Checkout now allows for multi-lingual front end error messages
  • The product display order for a manufacturer can be modified and saved
  • The logic of collecting the shipping address and defaulting the billing address to match (rather than the more traditional reverse) is really smart and much applauded. (Why? Because the payment authorization catches errors in the billing address, but there is no known check in the world that will catch a mistake on the shipping address) – has improved the error messaging when shoppers leave the shipping address blank
  • In response to popular demand, we have added support for Google Analytics Asynchronous tracking. Previously we used the more traditional tracking method. No tracking data will be lost in an upgrade
  • If an invalid gift card number is entered at checkout, then the error message is now accompanied by an action to empty out the invalid number
  • Throughout the store, the term “coupon” has been changed as default to “promotion”
  • When using promotions, the out of box “Product Discount Alert” now displays only once (regardless of promotion count) and allows for HTML
  • Promotion Product Discount Alert text is store-aware, properly following store mappings
  • Promotions can now have start and expiration times as well as dates
  • Active and Auto-Assigned filters have been added to the search function of the Promotions management page in the admin console, along with more robust promotion paging functionality
  • Receipts now list all Promotion codes applied to the order
  • Google Trusted Stores functionality for use with DotFeed's Google Trusted Stores channel is now built in
  • USPS has changed the link to their shipping tracking service. We conform to the new change
  • The shipping & tax estimator no longer creates partial address records on the customer's account when requesting an estimate in the Shipping & Tax Estimator tool